As more important and private data is stored and shared in the cloud, it will need to be managed, monitored, and protected. 由于更多的重要数据和个人信息将在云中存储和共享,必须要有人对这些数据进行管理、监控和保护。
Anyone who's dealt with storing user credentials in a database will tell you that one of the first rules is to never store a password or other private data directly without encrypting it first. 任何处理在数据库中存储用户凭证的人都会告诉您,首要的规则之一是从不直接存储没有首先加密的密码或其它私有数据。
Private information includes a user's private data, for example, e-mail address, phone number, and communication records. 私密信息包括用户的私密数据,例如,邮箱地址、电话号码和通讯记录。
By utilizing software delivered in this way, a company can remove the burden of installing and maintaining the application on private data centers. 通过利用以这种方式交付的应用程序,企业就不再需要在私有数据中心上安装和维护应用程序。
Definition of private data members that are shared by the test methods. 由测试方法共享的私有数据成员的定义。
The duplicate code is, of course, the two private data members for street and city. 当然,重复的代码是表示街道和城市的两个私有数据成员。
The permissions to gain access to private data are referred to as Extended Permissions. 获得对私有数据进行访问的权限被称作扩展权限。
If you log in as alice or specialUser, the sample application serves you the complete catalog, including both public and private data. 如果以alice或specialUser的身份进行登录,示例应用程序将提供完整的类别,包括公有数据和私有数据。
This is important to note because some of they key enhancements in the release address how private data is handled in development. 说明这一点很重要,因为这个发布版中的一些关键增强涉及如何在开发中处理私有数据。
The content in the friend relationship file is classified as private information because it is generated from communication data, which is private data. 朋友关系(friendrelationship)文件的内容被划分为私密信息,因为这是由属于私密数据的通讯记录生成的。
If Acegi finds that the user is authorized to access the beans, it invokes the getter methods, fetches public and private data, and provides the data to JSF. 如果Acegi发现用户得到授权,可以访问bean,则调用getter方法获取公共和私有数据,并将数据提供给JSF。
Once properly mapped, the catalog bean simply acts as a wrapper for the JSF catalog application's public and private data. 映射完成后,catalogbean就会充当JSF编目应用程序的公共和私有数据的包装器。
Let's take a look at exceptions to cookies and clearing your private data. 让我们查看一些cookie异常并清除隐私数据。
As with write, data represents private data. 与write类似,data表示的也是私有数据。
To access private data, applications must first request the user's permissions, which are called extended permissions. 要访问私有数据,应用程序必须首先请求用户的权限(被称之为扩展权限)。
Is private data hidden from users without permissions? 是否要对没有权限的用户隐藏私有数据?
However, the consequences of using private data for testing purposes, even inadvertently, can be significant. 然而,有意或者无意地将隐私数据用于测试可能会带来严重的后果。
JSF calls the catalog bean's setter methods to set public and private data in the catalog bean. JSF调用catalogbean的setter方法在catalogbean中设置公共和私有数据。
Figure 10 shows that an update statement is manipulating a column that contains private data. 图10显示一个更新语句正在操作一个包含私有数据的列。
In Firefox go to: Tools/ Clear Private Data. 在火狐浏览器上删除操作如下:工具/清楚私人文件。
Unbeknown to you, this modern form of bank robber is silently harvesting all your private data. 你不知道的是,这种新型网银盗贼悄悄地收集着你的私人数据。
Applications of WSO2 CSG include protecting APIs, providing a firewall for services, ensuring private data access, bridging hybrid clouds, and offering security verification. WSO2CSG提供的应用包括保护APIs、为各服务提供防火墙、保证私有数据安全访问、桥接混合云和提供安全验证等。
Protect your confidential and private data with Best Crypto now! 保护您的机密和私人数据与最佳密码吧!
InfoQ: APIs are often involved in financial transactions and accessing or sharing private data, could you tell us a bit about the mechanisms in place to secure API calls? InfoQ:API通常被人们和金融交易或者访问分享私人数据联系起来,您能透露一些API调用安全机制的信息吗?
In addition, many objects expose public functionality, but require private data for internal execution. 另外,许多对象公开公共功能,但是需要用于内部执行的私有数据。
Let users explore the site and discover your services without forcing them into sharing private data. 请让用户自由浏览网页,让他们不用交换私人信息就能尝试你的服务。
The driver stores, in private data structures, all the information needed to drive the device and interact with other kernel components that require the device. 在驱动的私有数据结构中,驱动程序保存了所有的用于驱动设备的必要信息以及与内核交互时必须的组件信息。
Returns the data session ID that identifies the private data session for the formset, form, or toolbar. 返回数据工作期标识,该标识用于识别窗体集,窗体或工具栏的私有数据工作期。
However, your private data is never inspected, processed or retained on our servers beyond what is necessary to send it to your other device. 但是,您的私人数据是没有检查,处理或保留在我们的服务器上超出了要发送到您的其他设备。